Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

...from our house to yours! Here are a few pictures from our day.

Uh-oh! Hopefully this isn't a prediction of how the rest of the food will turn out!

Lots of love being shared today!

Ryleigh is thrilled to have lots of people to read to her today.

Now, this is a switch - Mom is calling us for the Sweet Potato Casserole recipe!

Setting the table....

This is what happens when you're stomach is full of good food & you have a whole day to just chill out.


Lori said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Brenda said...

Looks like a normal Thaksgiving Day! Eat and sleep! Congrats on the boy. I'm sure Jeff is really excited. I only have a couple weeks to go! I am so ready!