Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fun @ the Park

We have a nice park just down the street from our house. Not a day goes by that Ryleigh doesn't beg to go "swide". Yesterday was nasty & rainy, so I promised her that I would take her today. Thankfully, the sun came out today & I was able to keep my promise! ;-)

After we got to the park, I realized that the wind was just a little bit chilly. Poor Ryleigh kept covering her ears & saying she was cold.

Grant watches from his stroller.

Ryleigh enjoys swinging, but it usually doesn't last long. I guess it's just a lot more fun to "swide".


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun. Enjoy your swiding:) I like to swide too.

Aunt Barb

Stephanie said...

This looks so fun! Last time I went 'swiding' it was with Kaitlyn.
Somehow it wasn't quite the same as I remembered from when I was younger. ;)

sankey family said...

Oh, so cute...

Jeff said...

What a nice looking children. Looks like you are doing a fine job with them.

Jeff said...

Despite their resemblance to your husband, your children are remarkably good looking. Congratulations.