Saturday, July 19, 2008


Things have been a bit crazy around here, lately! This week has been our "moving week". I fully intended to blog about this major life change before it happened, rather than after it happened, but I obviously didn't.

As I mentioned briefly in an earlier post, we are getting a new youth pastor - Matt & Christina Maloyed. We were given the option of remaining in the church parsonage or to purchase our own home & receive a housing allowance. After a lot of prayer & research, we decided to take this opportunity & are now in the process of purchasing an older home just a few blocks away. It needs some TLC, but has a lot of potential & we are very excited about it!

The past three weeks have been so crazy. Jeff spent many days working on painting bedrooms & remodeling the living room. There are several other rooms that we will be working on little by little, but those were the things we wanted to do before moving in. Last week, my mother-in-law came for a few days & having her here to help with packing boxes & babysitting was a huge help. (Thanks, Mom!)

Monday was officially moving day & we had lots of help from church people to get moved. Honestly, I think we have some of the best, most willing to help, church people around. Thank you so much to everyone who helped!

Now... we are working on settling in & unpacking little by little. I am amazed at how much stuff we've managed to accumulate in the relatively short time we've been married! Anyhow... DSL is finally up & running at our new house, so I will be posting pictures soon.

1 comment:

Doug and Kim Hoffman said...

Congratulations on your new home! I'd love to see pictures of the remodeled living room. We enjoyed living there. It will make a nice place for your family and to host guests.