Friday, August 17, 2007


Yes, you saw right. Ryleigh's shirt is announcing the fact that she's going to have a new baby brother or sister in March. We're very excited & have really had fun seeing all of your responses to the last post!


Anonymous said...

Hi Shari, Jeff & Big Sister:

We are so happy and excited for you all.

I looked at your blog and ran out the door and told Mark the news. You know how quick I am to observe baby secrets. Right Jeff?:)

Love ya lots!!

Anonymous said...

HEY there Cous!!!

Congratulations on your new addition. I'm so excited for you guys. Woohoo! Aren't babies awesome?

I had lost your blog address, and finally found it over @ lyd's blog.

I'm almost crying as I scroll through your pictures, your family is so beautiful and I'm just so ecstatic for you!!!

Okay, enough blubbering from me...

Love you,

Lori said...

Congrats to big sister Ryleigh and her Mommy and Daddy!

Luanna Joy Wright said...

Luanna Wright here. I am so happy for you all.

Make sure you check out my blog at

mama2ryleigh said...

Thanks, everyone, for the sweet comments. If you posted a comment & you don't see it here, it's because I accidentally rejected some. Feel free to post another comment.

Anonymous said...

We are so thrilled for you all!!! Congratulations and hugs to each of you! Hope to see you again b/f the summer's end!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

We are so very happy for you!!! You are doing a wonderful job in raising Ryleigh, and I'm sure she will love being the BIG SISTER! congratulations!

Anonymous said...

All right Im soooo offended that you guys didn't tell us!!! But I'm soooo excited!! I can't believe you guys have totally kept this quiet.
Sarah Rine

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I wondered if that was a message to us! :-) Cute idea. Y'all have a doll already, the next one will be so sweet too. take care. see y'all in November, Lord Willing.

Anonymous said...

O.K. this is my 2nd time in trying to congratulate you. I'm new at this whole blog thing. Hopefully, it will work this time. Congratulations on your new addition. We love you and will be praying for you. We too enjoyed all the pictures. Kudos to the photographer. Excellent work!
Take care,
Uncle M & Aunt D.

Brenda said...

What a cute way to tell everyone! Congratulations! Our babies will be close in age!

Jeanne said...

Congratulations !!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Jeff and Shari! Congratulations on your new addition! We are so thrilled for you all! What an awesome big sister Ryleigh will be. =)
Shari, thanks so much for your encouraging commment on my blog. I feel sort of silly, I know that I can be hypersensitive sometimes. I was relieved to know that I'm not the only one who had those feelings.
Love you all,
p.s. we're going to miss you on Labor day....are you sure you won't change your mind? =(
Hopefully we'll see you all soon!