Monday, February 25, 2008

The things she says....

Ryleigh is a typical girl in that she's very 'in touch' with her emotions. She doesn't hesitate to let us know when she's feeling happy, sad or grumpy. This morning, Ryleigh looked up from eating her breakfast, & said "Grumpy. Really grumpy!"

For some reason, she can't seem to say 'popsicle' or 'tricycle'. She calls them both 'Sunday school'. So, we have to try to figure out which one she's talking about, based on the context that she's using. Every time we try to get her to sound out 'popsicle', she says 'popsundayschool'.

This morning, Ryleigh was looking at one of her Bible story books, pointing at people in the pictures & asking about them. She came to the picture of Elisha & the leper that he told to wash in the Jordan River. I said something about the man being sick, & that he was asking Elisha to help him get better. She nodded with complete understanding & said 'Tylenol'. (In her opinion, Tylenol is answer to every sickness!)

Ryleigh is really fascinated with Doug & Sarah's new baby, Cayden. Whenever anyone asks what her baby doll's name is, she responds with "Baby Cayden". She also thinks that we should name our baby "Baby Cayden", even though we have tried to explain to her that our baby needs a different name.
She's also really glad to have Tia Lish here for a week & a half. After her nap, the other day, she was trying to help Tia study. (She's going through this cheesy grin stage, in case you haven't noticed. Every time we ask her to smile for a picture, this is what we get!)
In other news, I am so ready for this new baby's arrival. According to last week's OB appointment, baby has not dropped & I'm just barely starting to dilate. I'm scheduled for another OB appointment tomorrow, as well as an ultrasound & a non-stress test. Arlie, my CNM, is really watching my blood pressure because of my previous history with pre-eclampsia & post-partum blood pressure issues. Thankfully, I've not had any major problems with blood pressure during this pregnancy, with the exception of a couple of high readings a few weeks ago, but if I do start having problems, the plans are to possibly induce on the 11th of March. On the other hand, if all continues to go well, we'll wait until closer to my due date. So... I've been nesting, nesting, nesting. The baby's clothes are all washed up & hanging in the closet. The nursery is coming along rather nicely. I still have to hang the valance, finish making the two short bumper pads, get a crib mattress & make the crib sheets & THEN it will be finished! I'm really pleased with how it is turning out & I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as it's done.


sankey family said...

What a sweetheart - she's adorable. I love her cute comments, too.
Can't wait to see pics of the nursery and will be watching for your happy news! So glad your mom gets to come up and be with you.


collette said...

These pics are just too cute! I am counting the days until I can wrap my arms around this child and squeeze and squeeze! Take it easy, sweetheart!


Springer Family said...

She's so funny!!! I love the top picture the best! How great Tia Lish is there to help you!! I know what it was like when my sister came before Korey was born...I totally turned Kylie over to her!!